Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Shopping personality- Find out yours!

Hello Beauties!

Whether you like or not but we all have to shop at some points. Some of us(including me) love to shop till we drop & some try to park, get in & get out as quickly as they can.

Do you love shopping? or do you hate to shop? Can you spend hours in the mall, just looking, hardly making any purchase or buy everything? Do you shop when u need to or when u want to? If you are wondering which type of shopping personality you have, lets find out below.

Here are six type of shoppers. Lets see in which category you come in.

1. The Bargain Shopper:
If you are always looking for best coupons, deals & store-sales, then you definitely fits into this category. Always waiting for a good shopping festival & look around before you buy anything that catches your eye to make sure you have got the good deal. You like to get value of your money. You are smart, savvy & economical. This also means that you are up-to-date, about the latest trends & what's happening around. And all this is a good thing, if there is one thing you can count on these shoppers is that they will get you the best & lowest prices.

2. The Researchers:
What do you do when you have to buy a new dress? Do you look in magazines? Lookbooks? Visit 15 different stores & spend hours and hours on searching for that one dress? Look out for all stores offering that kind of dress?
Based on that information, you might buy or wait for new collections to come out? Well, then you are definitely a researcher.

3. The Impulse Buyers:
Ohh! that sure is a beautiful bag over there. You know it will go perfectly with your favorite dress. Such a beautiful color. Its some $500 and you never spend that much of  money on a bag. Something tells you  "But hey! who know when you'll see such a pretty bag again?And you know what to do next....... Buy it! Buy it! Just Buy it! Right now! This will be the best investment & most sensible purchase you have made." 
Until tomorrow, when in the morning you wakeup & realize you have some $30,000 in debt & you just spent $500 on a bag. Immortalized by Sophie Kinsella & her famous Confessions of Shopaholic, this personality cant resist what they love, No Price-Tags & no bars!

4. The Negotiator:
If your sole purpose is to win the battle with every single sales person they encounter. If "Everything is up for negotiation" is you mantra then  u definitely belong to this kind of shoppers.

5. The Loyalist:
Well  if you find yourself keep going to the same brand or store then you belong to this category. Having all the membership & discount cards from them, getting all the updates & even their staff knows your name then its very obvious that you are a loyalist.

6. The woman on mission:
This is the category where you know exactly what you want & wont settle for less. If you belong to this type , you are most likely organized, patient & like to plan ahead. When you go on shopping you dont like wasting much time & go-and-get what you want.


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