Thursday, August 14, 2014

Avoid 5 foods to prevent acne

Hello Beauties!

We all want that clear & acne free skin but sometimes we dont understand what is causing them. We try loads of products & tips n' tricks to control them. Acne is the biggest problem for some teens & they cant seem to find any solution. But the key is eatng right & avoiding the food that cause acne. Yes! There is food that cause acne. And by food its not just fried food, there is more to avoid for preventing acne.

So, when now we actually know that there is food that cause acne & more skin issues we have to be careful. In this post I'm listing the food to avoid for solving the acne issues.

1. Diet Soda:
May be many of you don't know but diet soda is such a horrible thing for your skin, it not only can make your skin super irritating & inflamed, but it can make your acne worse too. Since it contains the aspartame that increases the acne breakout & it also lowers the pH level which result in more acne.

2. Sugar:
Sugar is another very harsh ingredient for acne. If you take very high glycemix index then it can make your skin unhealthy & it can cause acne too. Sugar causes spikes which is an indirect reason of pimple producing hormones & sometimes when we eat artificial chocolates & other artificial treats, it increases the blood sugar which indirectly sabotage the skin system.

3. Dairy:
Cow's milk contains many nutrients & growth hormones & it is very healthy. But sometimes these growth hormones disturb the regular hormones & can cause acne. Sometimes the milk can irritate your skin horribly & increases the production of insulin in your body that results in pimples on your skin.

4. Vegetable Oils:
Trans fats & highly processed vegetable oils are the major reason of pimples & acne, normally they just irritate the oil gland of skin & that makes our skin to breakout. This list includes all vegetable oils like canola oil, corn oil, margarine & other vegetable oil. If you really have to add oil to your diet then try extra virgin olive oil or coconut oil as it not only keep your system healthy, they are also good for clearer acne-free skin.

5. Spicy Food:
Consumption of food with excess spice it harmful for health & body's system. There is a myth that spices are good for health & one should avoid salt, but the fact is, you should not eat too much spices too. They are not only harmful for our health but are harmful for our skin as well. Excess use of spices leads to inflammation sensation in your digestive track & increases the skin ageing process.

To end the post I would like to give you my quick tips for healthy skin. Eat clean, exercise & drink alot of water to get clear & glowing skin. What are your tips to keep your skin acne-free? Leave them in comments below. I would love to know them.



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