Monday, May 4, 2015

7 ways to be more confident

Dear Beauties!

Confidence is a state of mind not physical appearance but it reflects on it. Confidence doesn't mean being perfect but being comfortable & proud in the skin you are. Those who are supremely self-assured aren't more capable or intelligent but they have a different way of looking at the world & their place in it. And thats a beautiful thing because, cliche though it is, if you feel good, you look good. Here are few ways to be more confident about yourself.

1. Swipe on some favorite beauty products:
A survey reported that 86% of women feel more confident when they use a favorite beauty product. So put on some favorite lipstick or mascara & rule the world.

2. Avoid all day primping:
Avoiding mirror sitting & stepping out boosts 28% of your self-esteem. Is a human nature that we notice the flaws which eventually will result in lower self-esteem. So step away from the mirror & limit your time in looking at mirror. And when you do, focus on the parts "You like!".

3. Walk it out:
There are hundreds of fitness apps. They are not only for taking 10,000 or 20,000 steps a day- they are a great way to strengthen your confidence too. Because wearing an exercise gear & tracking the fitness goal gives sense of accomplishment & motivates us for more.

4. Power ups:
Weight training also build your body image. Not only it strengthens your body but a good source of boosting up your self-esteem. Every time people increase the amount of weight they lift, their ego gets an immediate boost.

5. Watch your mouth:
Not only while eating but while speaking as well about yourself. Ragging about your short hairs & acne problems with other women can seem a friendly game of self-disrespecting. Because having a women complaining about her looks not only makes her less likable but it also decreases the body satisfaction on both ends. If a friends makes a negative statement,  change the topic & compliment on her killer sense of humor.

6. ME time:
The most confident people know how to be happy & productive with no one but themselves for company. Solo activities like meditation, hiking, reading or spa day can build confidence that you can spend time alone. Better yet, use your downtime to reflect & plan.

7. Stop slouching:
Yes your mom was right!
Slouching is bad for you not only for your posture. Hunching over can make you less likely to think positively about yourself. So now you know, stand tall.


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